Just a quick update, still no new material this year besides Ghosts vol. 2. However, I did put a compilation together of Remasters. It's a long one because my catalog is huge. Anyway, it's an updated version of my Dreamscapes compilation I released in 2021. I added tracks from the past 2 years and changed the order of the songs a bit. Right now it's on Bandcamp and Soundcloud, streaming to hit in a couple weeks (hopefully!).
Dreamscapes 2023 | Glenn Murawski (bandcamp.com)
I hope that I can get at least one more album out by the end of the year, but I'm not gonna force it. I hope you all are doing great. Peace out
P.S. if you haven't checked out Ghosts Volume 2, you can do so below:
Ghosts: Volume II | Glenn Murawski (bandcamp.com)
OR if u want to listen to the whole Ghosts collection in one volume:
Ghosts: Volumes I & II | Glenn Murawski (bandcamp.com)
Sorry I do charge now, but if you want a freebie DM me, don't be shy :)
<3 Glenn aka cyan11