Almost makes me think Earthbound. not bad
Almost makes me think Earthbound. not bad
Very Nice. Reminds me of Kento Masuda
This piece reminds me alot of some of Kento Masuda's work. Check out his youtube channel if you haven't heard of him. Anyways, this has a nice classical feel to it, like being in the great hall of a castle.
Never heard of Kento Masuda. I'll check him out. Thanks!
Nice WIP, I look forward to the finished product
When I listen to this I can just hear in my head all kind of different synths that could have been there... This song has a nice simple, chill vibe to it it. I'm sure I will rate this higher when this is finished, this is why I usually don't review wips. Maybe you can try changing up the guitar chords a little bit and add another instrument, a lead maybe. I'll leave it to you though, not sure what direction you are looking to go with this song...
Thanks bro. I'll try to finish this. I'll add some synths too hopefully. A lead would be very nice, and changing up the chords could prove useful. But thank you for all your suggestions! I will keep them in mind :)
Not bad
I like the composition, though it sounds very familiar. Would like to hear this with a classical instrumentation (or different synths), it sounds very video-gamey with these synths. Is that your voice? it's pretty.
Oh yeah, actually I originally composed this piece on piano. The assignment was to create instrument sounds from scratch (no pre-sets) using only subtractive synthesis in Logic Pro's ES-1. A kind of exercise in limited composition.
I'm glad it sounds video-gamey, that's what I wrote my reflective analysis and aesthetic explanation about. XD
And yes, that is my voice, thank-you. :P
Wow this takes me back!
Great choice for source material, this is so nostalgic - reminds me of when I used to spend hours playing that game and wouldn't stop until I beat it. Nothing particularly unique about this arrangement, but a nice trip to the past.
There are different types of ambient, this is the jazzy, chillout type. I'm not the biggest fan of this genre but I like a good lounge tune from time to time. That said, I like the song up to about 2:06 - then it has an uneasy feel to it, where originally the song was more relaxing. This is totally my preference, when it comes to ambient jazz I like to listen to something I can just relax to and not have negative thoughts enter my mind. In that sense, the title is fitting as you get that restless feel when the mood of the song changes, it's just not my cup of tea. Other than that no complaints.
More good background music. This carries the same energy as one of your more recent works. I like your ability to take a simple melody and make a good sounding song out of it. DL'd. BTW you use FL Studio? Maybe a collab sometime? -Glenn
Great for a game
cheery, upbeat tune I would expect to find in a game like Earthbound for the SNES.
Music Composer Electronically since 2004, Glenn M (cyan11) has drawn from several creative influences including Rock, Classical, and Electronica to create music that is pensive and contemplative in nature. My new taken name is THERCLYX.
Age 47, Male
Data Dude
Queens College CUNY, Hofstra U
Queens, NY
Joined on 8/3/11