A good chillout tune. Not a very complex piano piece, but it serves its purpose (I'm a minimalist myself).
A good chillout tune. Not a very complex piano piece, but it serves its purpose (I'm a minimalist myself).
Thanks for taking the time for some feedback. The whole last 2/3 kind of came in a rush and I haven't really made a second clean-up pass at it yet. I definitely could add more chords etc to the piano, but I think I'm ok with the minimalism.
Nice composition!
I like the adventurous feel of this song. I like your composition, I would actually like to hear this done in a version with more realistic sounding insruments (like orchestral or rock) - but I know, it's for a video game. That said, if I was making a video game this song would fit in quite nicely for a pretty intense scene. BTW it doesn't sound mechanical, so to answer your question it does sound like it is being played live. Production sounds pretty tight too. Good work! DL'd!
The song is very peacefull and relaxing, my only criticism would be that it is unnecessarily long (it could have ended at 5:40 imho). The leads at 3:11 add a nice touch. Very nice ambient song.
Thanks for the feedback. I will make sure to make my songs more compact and exciting in the future.
Very Good
Gives that electronic rock feel, only without the guitars. I like the tension created in the beginning and how it builds to a melody at 0:59. It is very catchy. The keys in the beginning could sound better, towards the end they sound much better (maybe an EQ/mixing issue?). I like the sounds you use at 2:34 and this is my favorite part of the song. In my collection for sure.
Thanks man, yeah Ive been playing around with this basic yet suspense tune for a few months and only decided the other day to really try to work with it.
I had some fun in trying to create some different sounds too ^_^
The reason why the Piano sounds "better" at the end is because the main melody is an octave or two higher than the melody throughout the song.
The EQ is the same the whole way through, sadly, I'm only using a free VST plugin (CVPiano) which does have it's own flaws but it's still the best free Piano VST that I've found so far.
Thanks for the review.
As always I am impressed by your music. I especially like the second half of this track. You always manage to take me on a journey with your music. I hope you post more here in the future.
I like this arrangement. The instruments sound good (the sax is a bit unrealistic but it's hard to find a good softsynth). Overall I'm impressed.
Thanks, cyan11. The saxo is quite unreal, but some orchestras have saxos in them, but better than the one I used :S
Thanks for reviewing n_n
Moving piece
You can really feel the emotion in this piece, I think it's great.
thumbs up! means a lot to me!
btw, on my soundcloud is a newer version of this one! i edited the sounds of it yet, you can download it there if you want! emories
Great piece!
Awesome, engaging piece that draws you right in. The piano is beautiful and I like how it elevates to orchestra. I did notice a weird change in volume at about 1:28, though I guess that was done for dramatic effect. Alright you got me hooked - now I have to check out your other stuff.
Not bad
I'm not much for pidgeon-holing songs into genres, but if I was to guess I would say this is ambient, reason being it is repetitive, and seems a good fit for background music, and uses atmospheric textures.
Bottom line I would have liked to see more going on with this track, either some changes in the melody, or some accompanying instruments to add more variety (some more layering would have been great). I like the melody you got going there, though it doesn't seem enough to carry the track for almost 5 minutes. Besides the beats, the only real changeup is at 3:13, and it isn't that dramatic.
All in all, this piece seems like a good foundation for something that could really go farther. I would like to hear some more instrumentals, maybe some kind of lead instrument.
Other than that, not a bad background track. I'm sure your girlfriend loved it. BTW I didn't notice the piano being out of time. Production seems good.
Nice BGM (&VGM)
This song is pretty catchy. I like the use of the chiptone synth. A cool, laid-back track, definitely worth a listen. Sounds like it's from a video game and that's right up my alley. DL'd!
Music Composer Electronically since 2004, Glenn M (cyan11) has drawn from several creative influences including Rock, Classical, and Electronica to create music that is pensive and contemplative in nature. My new taken name is THERCLYX.
Age 47, Male
Data Dude
Queens College CUNY, Hofstra U
Queens, NY
Joined on 8/3/11